Thursday, February 14, 2008

Worked it out

I now know why my calves were sore last night, and why my shins started to hurt... lack of warm-up.

I realised that before I went out running I did very little in the way of warming my calves, which for me is critical given my shin splint history. Which is why ultimately they ended up feeling quite sore. Yes, the run from Tuesday would have played a part, but the reality is that I have to really warm them up, and I guess months of being pain free made me a bit complacent on the matter. So, going to take tonight off, which was a planned run and just rest them. I find this so hard, because it is in my schedule and I feel like I have to do it, but all I'm doing is switching the run to tomorrow when I'd normally take a rest day. I seriously need my head seeing to as I'm obsessed with sticking to a ridgid routine... I have issues :)

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