Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Running on gas...

I so wasn't looking forward to going for my run tonight. I woke up this morning and just couldn't be arsed. Then I got into work and I got an email from my old boss back in the UK. He'd read my blog and was saying how amazing he thought my training was, and what I was doing. To give you an idea, we used to take the piss out of each other cronically when we worked together. I dont think we actually said one nice thing to each other in two years of working such was the amount of piss take that took place! But his email really lifted me, and I was really looking forward to going out on my run after that. Amazing how the little things perk you up!

Anyways, tonight was 11.5 miler. I'm now increasing my weekly runs to two 11.5 milers and one 8.25 miler... to start building up even further. The strategy was to do a fairly quick run, take the first 4 miles steady, then on the 4 flat miles (for a change!), open it up and run at 60-70% threashold. Then just see how quick I could do the final 3.5 miles. Well that was the strategy. I opened up after 2.5 miles, but I slowed down at "head-down" hill (the name I have for the steady 3/4 mile hill on my route)... then when I got to the flat 4 miles around the water I opened up the afterburners. I went round 8 miles in an hour... bloody quick for me, and boy could I feel it! The net 3.5 was a case of just going for it, and I went round the whole 11.5 miles in 89 mins... which works out at 7.45mins miles... which is really quite quick for me. To give you an idea, I did 11 miles last week in the same time, so a big improvement for me. Really feel like I turned another corner with this run, and I think a 1hr 40 min half marathon could be a possibility for me. However we'll see how we go... I've got 4 days for running now... and what's the bet that tomorrow will be hell :)

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