Sunday, February 24, 2008

Getting there...

Well I'm getting better, but still have a lingering sore throat and tickley cough. I'm pumping myself full of drugs to prevent a full cold coming out, and the good news is that I dont think I have a chest infection (fingers crossed). If I had that it would be another week out at least. As it is... I'm still deliberating going for a run tomorrow to at least make sure I've done 3 runs this week, and a total of around 20 miles - Not ideal, but then it won't have been such a write-off. But I'm going to see. I've got a big load of milage to get through next week, and I need to be ready for that - and if that means a day off, then so be it.

I'm not going to be 100% by the start of next week I know, but come Monday it's just time to push on through and just do it. So I'll take a call on it tomorrow evening and see how I go.

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