Friday, February 15, 2008

Back on it...

So after a day's rest, I decided to make tonight after work my long run for the week. As I did a 21 miler last week, this week was my shorter long run if that makes any sense! So off I went for a 17 miler, and took it real steady, conscious of the shin splints. To be honest, for the first 4-5 miles they were bit sore, but after that any soreness just disappeared which was a real bonus, and makes me happy that it was probably a one off... he hopes! So yeah took it real steady, but ended up going round in 2hrs 20 mins, which is actually pretty quick for me! Either I'm getting fitter or I ran faster than I thought. To be honest, I'm sure its the former as I thought I was going to go round nearer the 2hrs 30 mark, but hey who am I to complain!

Also, I think ive broken the first mental barrier. A couple of weeks ago, I would have been dreading a 17 miler, but there's a massive pyschological thing going on as well I reckon. Tonight I thought nothing of it, and I even refer to it as my "shorter long run!" But I guess that just comes with building up the distance. One thing's for sure is that 26.2 miles doesnt intimidate me now. Next week I was a lighter week of about 25-30 miles (and boy do I need it - havent had one since xmas), and then I'll do a 22-23 miler. I think then we'll know how ready I am. Have got 3 more 22-23 runs left to do before Canberra... can't wait!

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