Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Recovery run?

Well after a great week and a day's rest, tonight was meant to be a nice easy 8 mile recovery run. I was so loaded up with carbs (I realised that my last three meals were chicken and pasta), that I was flying round and decided to increase to 11 miles and went round in around 89 mins. This included walking up two steep hills as well. Admittedly not long hills, but still... it was a great run and I felt strong right til the end, even opening up and increasing the pace for the last 2 miles.

It really it home the value of loading up with carbs a few days beforehand. I read somewhere that its good to do this and you will find that your legs feel slightly heavy at the start, which they did. But between 5-10 miles my legs and calves felt like they had rocket blasters attached. Anyway, a good start tot he week. A 7 miler tomorrow, and then an 8 miler Thursday. I've got a nice little strategy going on at the moment 3 days on, one day off. Then 2 days on and one day off. Anyways... signing off...


Lloyd Biddell said...


Something to bear in mind when training for your marathon...

Dan said...

Jesus! I'll watch out for those stray trams! Can se why though... I did a 16 miler in 30 degrees over here a month agao and my blood sugar level was low and I start going a little bit funny in the head. Mind you, people say that anyway :)