Thursday, June 28, 2007

Today it was a good day...

Well fingers crossed they'll all be good days from now on. Second time at trying forefoot running, and same result. Nice and easy, and a smooth running motion, and equal timings to my other heel running, so around 7.5 miles in an hour, and it all feels so effortless. Although today really felt like Id turned a corner (he hopes!). No knee trouble, no hip hurting, no back of the knee issues, no shin splints causing agony, just simple running, and slightly sore calfs, which is sooooooo much better than hurting joints! May all runs be like this from now on... three days into the week and I've already done 20 miles... fingers crossed for a nice even round 40 this week!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A week's a long time...

Well since my shins decided to break down last week, decided to rest them for a bit and seriously reconsider my running technique, as my current one is the cause of all the pain and anguish in my shins, and my hips and my knee!! God I'm a mess! But seriously, something needs to happen to sort out the shins.

So in defiance I went out on a 20 mile bike ride on the Tuesday, just to do something, and after physio on Tuesday last week, was recommended to look at Pose running. Think of how Michael Johnson runs, and that's it basically... running in a pose. But it requires lots of strengthening exercises on the legs, and I think looks more applicable to sprinters. However it effectively involves running on the balls of your feet and not heel striking, and leaning forward slightly to let momentum carry you forward. So this I tried on Thursday last week, and so so. However my god were my calves in a mess for a few days after, and even now they hurt, so don't think I was doing it right. However after speaking to a few people, decided to adapt my running style to incorporate some of the elements of pose running, namely leaning forward and taking much shorter strides. This appears to be at the core of my problem in that I lean too far back, take long strides and heel strike, so I'm effectively running as though I'm a car with a hand brake on.

So today I ran the three short miles to work, and then did a 7 miler afterwards, incorporating this technique, and my god did it feel a whole load better. I thought I'd be going a lot slower taking shorter strides, but I was no slower than normal, and I was trail running effectively. The knee's still giving me a bit of jip, but that's just soreness (he hopes), so all good I think... although ha vent fully adopted the ball of the foot running as I don't think my calves can take it! So generally flat foot strike instead. So after a very frustrating week of doing bugger all last week (well still did 38 miles cycling!), I've knocked off 10 miles today, and should be on target (he says with the curse of death!), to do my 30 miles this week, before ramping up to around 40 miles next week for the next 3 months.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

More updates

Went for a nice 6 miler on Friday 15th June... knocked that off in around 48 mins, so was pretty pleased with that. The went to Leeds for the weekend, came back and did a 4 miler last night... nice and easy. Then tonight was going to be my long run of the week, a 14 miler... and what happens, the shin splints kick in again... quite arsed off to be honest... not in a good mood. Physio on Thursday!!! Not only do my shins hurt, but I feel like Ive twisted something around the back of my left knee! Aghhhhhh, so annoying!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The day after the day after

Well today was the first day that ive actually done some consecutive training and boy can you feel it! It's not so much I feel tired, more the aching from muscles the previous day, but its something i need to get used to and do more of. So after teh ten miles yesterday, i did seven tonight. Slightly slower than I normally would do them... did it in around 58 mins... but again you need to account for hills and stuff which slow you down dramatically, but it's not really about the time is it :) But all in all... ok. I might do a 5 miler tomorrow or have a day off... probably have a day off actually as I have acupuntcure tomorrow morning first thing and that leaves me a bit whacked for the rest of teh day.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Richmond Park... again :)

So after dehydrating myself on Sunday, I decided to go a crucify myself again with what was going to be a 7 mile run (oine lap around) Richmond Park. However the legs felt good, I was bouncing along and the aches and pains of Sunday were nowhere to be seen! So i pushed out and did another 10 miler, and even though i felt good, I was a minute or two slower than Sunday, when i felt awful... very strange anyway. So went round in about 1hr 23... however i did have about 8Kgs on the back... a few more than Sunday, so expalins the slightly slower time. Am going to try and do a 7 miler toimorrow night just to see how the body reacts to a couple of runs on the trot. All good :)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Lazy hazy days of summer

Well after another acupuncture session on Thursday, my shins and legs are feeling pretty good. I could certainly feel thee pins a bit more this time round after the 10 mile run on Wednesday, but I did a little warm-up, or warm down run, depending on your classificaation on Friday with a girl from work. Only 5 kms, but just took it nice and easy to see how the shins were. And no too bad at all to be honest.

So today, 10th June was the longer run day, and I was going to try for 14 miles, but I only did 10 in the end, mainly because I was massively dehydrated, which was a bit silly really as I knew I was. I've overindulgedd a little this weekend, eating loads of pizza and beer at a friend of mine's house, who've just got engaged, and i certainly fel the after effects to be honest! However despite this, I actually went round a little quicker than Wednesday. It's really bizarre as Wednesday I felt awesome running around, but today I felt slightly sluggish, my hip was playing up on the downhills and i had the wrong socks on as well, yet I went round about a minute quicker. Really bizarre. Plus it was hotter today also, however it makes me realise i that really need to get properly hydrated when running and also get proper recovery drinks as well. I'm having a real craving for chocolate milk and strawberries when Ive finished running... very bizarre!

Anyhows... off to search t'interweb for new trainers and recovery drinks! Adious mes amis!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Training 06.06.07

Well I had some acupuncture yesterday and I have to say it's done me bloody wonders... did about 3 miles yesterday, just getting home, had teh acupuncture and despite the dull achey feeling for a bit afterwards, the run today was awesome. Did 10 miles in just over 1h 20 mins and was amazed at how easy it felt. Could ahve carried on, but was getting a little bit dark. Anyway, another session tomorrow mornning, so we'll see how we get on!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Half-marathon day

Well more training and after having had some physio on Thursday, my shins feel quite good. Not bad given the state they were in on Wednesday night! It seems that i have my physio, the muscles loosen up and it's fine running for a few weeks, and then they tighten up and we start the process all over again.

Anyway, back at my parents today in Tanworth-in-Arden, and mapped myself out a 13 mile route. Although the reality is that it's around 14 miles with all the hills and stuff, but went round in just over 1h 50 mins with 5Kgs on the back, and it was a hot day... so really pleased. But think it's mainly due to the fact that Ive had the physio and the muscles are much looser. Next stop, Tuesday and Thursday next week, and some aqupuncture... brilliant cant wait!