Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Smack ma bitch up...

The bitch being me... I smashed myself last night on the bike, quite literally. I wasn't feeling overly great and thought I was getting ill - but I think my chest was tight from spraying the house with some seriously strong chemicals to get rid of the vast amount of wildlife that inhabit our home.

Over here it's a fact of life are creatures. Beetles and cockroaches are the favourite and you become almost passe about them after a while. But I'd had enough, so bought some super strength killer and set about the bastards. As a result my chest was so tight last night, but I still flogged myself on the bike. It was intervals last night, so 45 mins of smashing yourself on resistance level 14, one minute off one minute on - cycling a total of 27kms. a kilometre further than I've gone before...

I was going to go swimming afterwards but I felt so light headed that I couldn't! So this morning I got up and did a hills workout on the bike at a much less intense pace. Again 45 mins, but only covering 24kms... a big difference. Still it almost felt like a recovery cycle to be honest. Following that I did 36 laps (1.8kms) in the pool in 45 mins too, so a good workout all in all.

Speed work is the par de course tomorrow, with another "swim as many lengths as you can in 45 mins". I wonder what it will be like when I return to running? I'm doing all I can not to lose fitness, but need a longer endurance style swim/cycle me thinks at the weekend - which incidentally is going to be stinking hot - up around 40 they reckon. The UK has snow... shame :)

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