Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Still not right

Hmmmm, the leg is still not right, but it's not getting any worse. Even after I've run and stopped. I did a pretty tough session last night. Living on a pretty steep hill (200m long and 33m of ascent) the challenge is to do 10 reps up and down in 30 mins. I smashed it to be honest without even trying, knocking it off in 24mins and 39secs, so maybe a re-adjustment is required here. I say without even trying, all i did was even splits. Running up the hill consistently between 53 and 57 secs which was good, and then gently coming down. It's pretty tough work because it's quite a steep ascent, so by rep 7/8, you're feeling it. But a good session, which i wasn't even sure about doing in the first place. I went for a 3km warm-up and the leg was killing me, it was a real effort to even move, but once I got warmed up things went well.

Same again this morning - having dropped the missus off at Yoga around 5:50am I decided to go for an impromptu run around the Bay. How far was again in question, but I just decided to see how I felt. I was also a bit dehydrated to be honest, so wasn't 100% on what to do. This was always going to be a recovery style run having exerted myself last night, and again the first 5kms on the leg really hurt. So much so, that I've reverted back to the old running style. I simply can't run on the balls of my feet now - it has to be heel strike, which really helps to alleviate the pain, but some more on that later. I decided to to the extended Bay Run and did add a bit to make it an even 10kms, and despite starting at around 5:15km pace, the leg eased significantly in the last 4kms to knock off a 49min 10km, which I was quite surprised at given how tough the first 6kms were.

However I'm now questioning the move to change running styles around a year ago. Has it all caught up with me and injured my left leg? I'm not sure, all I know is that when I heel strike, the pain virtually goes. However will the shin splints come back as a result. Some more trials to be had I think, but we'll see.

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