Friday, December 5, 2008

Sharp twinge update

OK, so thought I'd better get my behind down to the physio and see what latest issues are keeping me on my toes. Essentially I have a problem with my fibula bone on the outer side of my lower leg, and it's gradually got to the point whereby it's not gliding correctly when I walk/run, so in effect it's staying in an upright position, which is then causing the discomfort when I walk, but bizarrely is OK when I run.

So some massaging and some taping later and the pain eased, and I'm to keep the tape on in a bid to get it moving again in the right position. So no running this weekend, which I had kind of resigned myself to not doing, but c'est la vie once more...

However I've done some big distances in the last 4 weeks, including 70 odd miles in the GNW, then two very tough 47 milers over mountains and hard terrain. This combination of runs has in effect gradually worn me down somewhat. It's funny because I was saying to Beaver during the run the last week that I was knackered and needed a rest - so this enforced rest if probably good for me. I'm not going to lose anything, bar a big run, which I'd have done this weekend, so I should rest - but it's hard to!

Anyway, plan is to sort out wedding stuff this weekend, and get ready for the imminent arrival of the Bleakman clan to Sydney for Christmas.

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