Thursday, May 1, 2008

Back into it...

I can tell that my schedule is back into the hardcore stuff again as my body is knackered! But a nice knackered, the kind of satisfied knackered. So have done a couple more runs since the last post, again the first on the treadmill, and quite a hardcore session actually. It consisted of a 11.2km (7mile) run, with the first km as a warm-up, and then alternating between fast and slow kms, with the quick one at 14km/h and the "slow" km at 11km/h... initially I thought it was a bit too much, but I got through it OK. However on my run yesterday lunchtime I certainly felt the pace somewhat as my legs where very heavy running around Sydney at lunchtime. That said, despite it being by midweek 'easy' run, I still went round in roughly 55/56 minutes, so not too bad a pace, but more reflective I think of my overall fitness increasing in recent months.

This weekend I'm entered into the Bondi barefoot 10km challenge on the sand at Bondi Beach. I'm not racing this one as a.) I only did the marathon a few weeks ago and b.) This is the first full week of training again, so the Bondi barefoot is a bit of a recreational run for me. I'll be doing a 12/13 miler the day before as well... so taking it easy me thinks. The knee is still aching a little, but not a major concern.

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