Saturday, May 10, 2008

Why is it...

That just 2 days ago, a simple 3 mile run caused me very painful shin splints and brought me to a standstill. Yet a good 16 miler, in 8 minute mile pace (I thought I was going very steady)... including 2 x 1.25 mile tempo runs included, and I felt great!

All very strange. Was very tired at the end of it I must admit. I was going to do 18 miles, but I ran out of fluid, and I did work hard on the two tempo runs in the middle of the run, so I thought it balanced out pretty well. So, what was going to be a dreadful week, has been brought back on track. I also think I'm probably trying to do too much as well. I read an interesting article from the forum today and it suggested that marathon runners only really need to do 35 miles a week. Admittedly I'm running slightly more than that, but I feel that I should re-set the targets slightly me thinks, and aim for 45-50 miles a week, rather than trying to push 55 miles a week. I also think I should revert back to training 5 days a week, not 6. It is probably too much at this stage. Anyways... a nice 7 miler recovery planned for tomorrow. we'll see how that goes and if the shin splints stay away.

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