Tuesday, March 4, 2008

What a difference a day makes...

So after feeling generally completely wasted from the weekend long run and subsequent recovery run, the thought of going out and doing a ten mile run last night was really not something I wanted to do. I was suffering with tight calfs, so was going to get on the treadmill in the gym in my apartments, just to make sure I was on softer ground so to speak and no hills at all. However I get up there and someone is on it (the very nice girl who lives opposite! Better not let the missus read this!), and to be honest as much as it was a nice view, I couldn't be arsed to wait, so headed off back on the roads, but on a route with reduced hills, but still some buggers in there!

However, I actually felt pretty good, or rather my calfs did, until around 7 miles in when the tightness started to kick in again. Not to the point that it stops me running, it just feels like they're about to explode! Me thinks me needs to change my trainers now to be honest. I've done around 400 miles in them, which I think is when they should be changed. However this is not great, especially when you buy Kayano's as even out here in Australia, you're talking 100 quid a pair, but still, needs must I guess. This was the cause of my last bout of sore calfs, again feeling like they wanted to explode! So a trip to the sports store again at lunchtime for yet more financial losses! But going to take a rest night tonight as planned. I've run 8 days out of the last 9 (might explain the sore calfs!), covering around 75 miles, and whilst I feel like I could go out, I need to make sure I rest properly. Fingers crossed that this calfs trouble is just because I need to change trainers and is not something worse.Have already said to myself that I would rather rest up for a few days and get my long run right than go out and do some of the piddly 7 milers that I do, and mess things up again. Oh well, we'll see!

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