Sunday, March 16, 2008

It's been a funny old week

It started off OK, but then went progressively downhill, but to be honest, I'm thinking I should be thankful for getting through. It didn't start great with some runs early in the week, and some shooting pains down in my calfs. When on the second run of the week on Wednesday, I was almost brought to a standstill with these pains, and thinking that I might have to completely rest up for the rest of the week. In fact the run was cut short and I was brought to a standstill.

But I got through, and despite having a heavy week of working until 8pm most nights, and then a work weekend away until Sunday (today), I still got in another 3 runs (2 whilst away) and 1 today after a heavy night on the beers last night. It really makes me realise just how much the beer and little sleep affects you. However it was 27 degrees and 58% humidity today, so I think I can be forgiven a little bit!

So total for the week is a pretty crappy 37 miles, but I did manage to get a 25 mile bike session in as well, so I shouldn't be so harsh on myself. The reality is that all I missed was a long run, which I'm planning on doing tomorrow after work. I've done two 20+ runs in preparation for the marathon which is now only 4 weeks away, and ideally I would like to get two more in. However I think this weekend has made me realise that I might be putting too much emphasis on it, and that I need to think about the longer term goal which is the MDS next year. Of course I'd love to go out and do something in the 3h 30's... but if I don't, I don't, and that's life. But I guess from being in such a routine for the last 3 months, and to have a slightly crappy week or two (when I get ill, or slightly injured)... I tend to put too much pressure on myself.

So new start to the week tomorrow. Laying off the booze now until the marathon is done, and 4 weeks left. Two weeks spent training hard, and then two weeks of taper... which will hopefully leave me nice and fresh!

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