Thursday, October 30, 2008

A sharp 10km

It's amazing what two whole days of rest can do for you. I decided not to train Tuesday night, partially because I needed the rest, and also to time my 2,000th mile as the last mile of the GNW 108 miler next week.

so last night I headed out for a quick-ish 10kms, covering it in a nice 47mins. not pushing it really hard, but enough to get the heart rate pumping, and taking the hills quicker than I normally would. It also helped get one pair of trainers back into shape after washing them. Something you shouldn't really do, but they needed it. I'm also deliberating which trainers to take. I have two pairs of kayano's that I'm planning on using, but wouldn't mind another pair also. I have another pair of light asics, which I may use for the final stretch as they're very comfortable, but the tread is wearing thin, so don't know if that would be a good option of not. The reality is that I need to buy another pair, so may head down the shop and get spanked for $225... plus all of the extra socks and stuff I need to buy for this race!

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