Saturday, October 25, 2008

Getting on with it...

So after the toenail episode, it's calmed down somewhat and seems OK, so it's been a hard couple of days with a 16km on Thursday night, 12kms on Friday night and then 30kms out on the GNW track today. It was a tough one today as my running partner Andrew and I did an out and back on the road section, which really did the feet in come the final couple of kms, such as we're now so used to running on the trail.

It's amazing how much difference it makes. I can't stand running on road now - I really need to buy a car to get out on the trails now for the next 6 months. Anyway, another 25km walk planned tomorrow, which will take the total for this week up to 90kms, a nice show, before 2 weeks or taper ahead of the race.

I met up with a seasoned professional today for a little bit of advice on what to expect at GNW. No matter where you are in the world, the advice in any ultra remains true... start slowly and finish slower. The reality is that this course is such a toughie and if the weather gets hot, then all times go out of the window, it really is a case of survival of the fittest. There's a very low success rate in this race and it's known for being one of the toughest. The race started 4 years ago with 12 people entered. The current entry list will probably hit 85 this year - an outstanding recognition of just how tough and well-spoken about this race is. However it's almost not a race, it's about getting through it, and everyone knows just how bloody hard it is. I can only hope that I have the toughness to get through it.

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