Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The easy week...

Or so I've billed it. The knees are still a little sore to be honest. Tonight was a planned 7 miler home from work, but I cut it short slightly. I was only going to do 5 miles, but the knees felt OK, so I pushed on and did the other 1.5 miles home the long way round.

All seems to be OK with the knees, and again, they started to hurt around the 4 mile mark, but nowhere near as much as on Sunday. Jut more of a dull ache, rather than the pain of a few days ago. Maybe it is just my body recovering, and slowly but surely it's on the mend. It does worry me slightly that it could be ITB, as I do have a little pain in the hip region, and it's all the classic symptoms. Here I am 30 mins after getting home and there's no pain at all. Think I'll take it very easy this week, no record times or anything stupid like that, just nice easy jogging. In fact I even walked down some of the hills tonight as they hold no benefit from me running down them. And this was reflected in the time too... a very leisurely 1 hour for 6.5 miles, but the important thing is that I went through with not much more than a dull ache. In fact I sped up in the last 1/2 a mile and it felt much easier. So another 5 miles tomorrow night, nice and easy again, as I'm using this as my 'get up to speed again' week. The true test will be on Saturday with a 12 miler planned. Then we'll see!

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