Thursday, January 10, 2008


So went off for my 8 miler home last night and started like a rocket, but the Sydney traffic and people soon slowed me down, followed by an outdoor cinema blocking my route too in the Botanical Gardens! However not a bad little run and I did really slow myself down to do around 8.5 miles in 1h 8mins, which is fairly quick for me, even though I didnt feel like I was going quick, I guess I was just using more effort!

Off for another 9 miler home tonight, and a different route too. Must admit I am tired, probably due to first week back at work, but also maybe because of the increased milage I'm doing now. Also, I have a little tightness in my right calf, which was evident in my left one last night... all very strange, but should be OK. Makes me wonder though if I should give it a rest... but us guys being guys, well you know!

Interesting discussion on the MDS forum around interval training. I'm in a bit of a quandary because whilst half of me thinks that the main goal of the MDS is to make sure I finish, I also want to do as best I can, so interval training should be part of my programme too to be honest. However I know I should take it one step at a time, as I haven't even completed my first marathon yet! So we'll see... i might make it part of my training tonight as there's a good flat bit for a couple of miles on route home. So I'll spend a couple of miles getting warmed up, followed by intervals and then warm down. Would make the training more interesting!

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