Thursday, January 29, 2009

This could all get quite dull...

... for the next few weeks. so I'll just report on what I've done with the occasional rambling :)
In true Dan style I went back to the gym for the second time last night and hit the cross-trainer for a hard cardio workout. I never realised just how much of a workout you can get on those things. A 20minute blast saw me cover 5kms with heart rate up in the 160's... and it wouldn't be a Dan workout without some form of twinge or injury, so I tweaked my right calf last night for good measure. It's OK, a little sore, so I'll stay off that cross trainer for the next few days :)

Then up again this morning for a 45min cardio workout on the bike, covering 27kms. Quite tough work actually after yesterday I felt, and a little dull when you're indoors in a gym, still some nice ladies to have a perv at every now and again :)

The plan will be to vary the cycling up a little and I'll do:

- 2 x hill training
- 2 x speed training
- 2 x intervals
- 1 x cardio (the long straight boring ride)

Plus I'll do a 20 min session in the cross trainer each day too as my fitness blast, a bit like a tempo run. This combined with 20-30 laps of the pool each day. That should keep me busy for 2-3 hours a day, so it will mean once in the morning and once at night too... that gym is going to see a lot of me in the next two months... wonder how the fiancee will feel about this :)

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