Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Back on it... pretty much!

So, despite still not feeling 100% I've decided that enoug is enough and I'm not going to take anymore time off from running. So, with a throat full of green crap, I got up at 5:45am this morning and proceeded to go for a run in the fresh Sydney morning. It's truely beatiful here first thing in the morning, silent and lovely and fresh in the middle of winter (seems really strange saying that in June!). The first 100 yards were not nice as the jogging motion saw me bring up pretty much most of the horrible green stuff that has been inhabiting my chest for the last week, and it is truely disgusting when it does come up - almost makes me want to be sick. Within minutes I was sweating quite a bit, and all through out the short 4 mile run my legs felt pretty drained of energy, but it's a start. So, after going round in just under 35 mins I was pretty happy. Not lightening quick I know, but I've had enough of this damn chest infection and I've decided that it's going away - period! (As the yanks would say).

I'm still in two minds whether to do the merathon in a couple of weeks. It's not the end goal, but I know I'll treat it like a proper race, whereas it should just be part of my training. As such I dont really want to do too much taper for it, and just carry on as normal and not look for a great time. But I know me, and me wants to do a great time. Hopefully over the next 2 weeks I can get two 20+mile runs in which would set the confidence up a bit higher, but with one planned for this weekend (plus I'm moving house) - I'm worried that my body hasnt recovered enough yet to go out and run 20 miles. Only having a crack at it this weekend will tell, so guess I just have to grin and bear it and try it. Another early morning run planned for tomorrow - slightly longer this time, so I can't wait for the coughing and sluttering along the streets at 6am tomorrow - beautiful!

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