Sunday, June 3, 2007

Half-marathon day

Well more training and after having had some physio on Thursday, my shins feel quite good. Not bad given the state they were in on Wednesday night! It seems that i have my physio, the muscles loosen up and it's fine running for a few weeks, and then they tighten up and we start the process all over again.

Anyway, back at my parents today in Tanworth-in-Arden, and mapped myself out a 13 mile route. Although the reality is that it's around 14 miles with all the hills and stuff, but went round in just over 1h 50 mins with 5Kgs on the back, and it was a hot day... so really pleased. But think it's mainly due to the fact that Ive had the physio and the muscles are much looser. Next stop, Tuesday and Thursday next week, and some aqupuncture... brilliant cant wait!


Steph Cooke said...

That's a really good time for 14 undulating miles, wish I was that fast!

Dan said...

Cheers Steph. How's your training coming on? I was pleased with the time, but at the end of the day, its not about the time, more about keeping the stamina up I guess!

Steph Cooke said...

I guess it's time spent on the feet, I am having to slowly build my running up again and cross train as I tend to suffer from Achilles Tendonitis, which is very frustrating!
I'm off trekking in the Atlas Mountains this weekend, so hopefully it will be good endurance training...