Monday, May 28, 2007

Training 27.05.07

Another day, and some more training... except this time I thought it would be genius to go at 10pm at night when teh rain was hammering down adn the wind was swirhling around... try and mimic some shite conditions. And to be honest, it wasnt too bad. Did just under 8 miles it just over an hour... but all good and the shins seem to be OK to. Just the hip that was giving me a bit of grief, but bit of mental strength to tell me that it didnt hurt at all, and around we went... next stop cycle ride tomorrow... nice... so this is what i have to look forward to for the next 2 years!

1 comment:

Steph Cooke said...

Hi, glad your shins are ok, I'm gradually building running distances back up and cross training. I think mental strength is definately going to play a big part!
Glad you have registered with the forum, I find it more useful than the official Mds forum.