Friday, May 25, 2007

Training 24.05.07

Well it's been a while since i last posted, mainly due to the slight set-back I had with the shins, but am pleased to say that it looks like things will be sorted out and I'm hopeful that all is going to be OK.

*Steph, thanks for the comment too, nice to know that finally someone has found the blog! I guess really, it's a way for me to keep track of the training I'm doing really more than anything, but hopefully it will grow and others will participate. I'm also registered with the MDS2009 forum too.

So having had a bit of physio just over a week ago, and being told "You can train if you want, but it's up to you" (don't you just love physios!)... i have decided to start training again, and by the looks of it things seem OK... so far so good. I went for a few steady 3 milers to begin with, and then last Sunday (20th May), went for around an 8 miler around Richmond Park, which all went OK, and just over an hour... not bad given the amount of booze I piled down my neck at our rugby club dinner over the weekend... polished that off with a 3 miler last night as well... just to keep things ticking over too.

I've also started cycling a lot more too, and have done a couple of 13 mile bike rides after work, just to keep things going. The tonight I decided to do a slightly longer 11 mile run, and went round in about 1h 35 mins... but decided to walk the last couple of miles home, as to be honest i was running like a dick! My mate who's done the MDS says walking is just as important as running... as is cycling too as it's all good cross training. So am taking to do lots of walks as well. So back on track and so far so good... but lots more physio to have. I've got a feeling I'll be seeing a lot of my physio, Parys over the next 2 years!

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